RQM+ Live! is a weekly and interactive live show featuring expert panelists discussing timely topics, challenges, and solutions in the medical device industry. Please view our blog for a other shows, along with other R&Q events and learning opportunities.


Device Love Live 5 New Branding

Join us for an open discussion with former FDA and Notified body representatives.

— What's it like moving from government to industry?
— What do they miss about their previous roles?
— Why do they prefer being in industry…or do they?
—What do they wish both sides knew about the other?
— What are key takeaways to successfully navigate the system?

Bring the questions you wanted to ask them in their previous roles but knew they couldn't answer. Now they can.

The panel will include:

  • Ibim Tariah, R&Q VP of EU MDR/IVDR Consulting Services,
    • Former BSI Technical Director of Medical Devices through 2019
  • Ron Sills, R&Q Sr. Principal Specialist
    • Former TUV Rheinland Lead Auditor through 2019
  • Kevin Go, R&Q Senior Engineer
    • Former FDA CDRH Lead Reviewer
  • Bryan Pinder, R&Q Project Engineer
    • Former FDA CDRH Lead Reviewer

Please come with questions!

Watch this episode of RQM+ Live!